We started with a Brakspear Triple, followed by a Budvar. Then some Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Orval, Salvator and finally a weird Polish Baltic Porter. The festival was awesome and there were some great beers. I stuck to the Milds mainly, as I can't get them at home and was on a bit of a mission, in part from the brew club I belong to. The championship beer was excellent, the Rudgate Ruby Mild. Full reviews forthcoming next week, but I have to say I was impressed by the festival and wrong about CAMRA.
We also did a BrewDog tasting, which was great. The Atlantic IPA wasn't as amazing as I'd hoped, but it was definitely unique and punishingly hoppy. Some of the other beers were astounding, especially the honey infused ale. Full details on that are also forthcoming.
However, I'm off to San Francisco in the morning and can't wait to try some more new beers. Suggestions encouraged in the comments section. I showed up at my in-law's at 2am last night, and my mother-in-law asked if I brought any beer. I hadn't but a quick trip to the store landed us on Duvel richer, which is good, if a tad young and alcoholic.
